"...Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us." (Luke 2:15)
I have tried to be a shepherd for forty years. Every year in the churches I served, I shared a message about the Christ child, and the reason for His coming into the world. But what is important for a shepherd, is that the message of the birth of the Savior be taken to heart, personally, seriously, and enthusiastically. As I have heard this said: "You cannot lead people to a place you have never been."
I am a sinner, who needed a Savior. I am a Shepherd who needs guidance from the Chief Shepherd, so that I can guide others, and help them to know the love and power of our Savior Jesus Christ.
The enemy is working on me everyday. If he can put out my inner fire for the Lord, he will be successful in shutting down my ministry to others.
Yes, I need to go to the stable in my heart; the place where the Christ Child Is, and rekindle my inner desire to live and serve the Savior.
What about you? There is room for all who want to come and worship, and be inspired again.
"O Come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him. O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord! " GP
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