"Jesus said to him (Thomas) "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
From the time we took our first steps, we have been on a journey.
As the Heavenly Father as placed us on this "precious path", Jesus is holding His arms out, waiting for us to arrive in His arms, safe, and blessed for eternity. He is waiting to take us to our Heavenly Father.
Many, many people have made other plans for the end of this life journey, and there are those who have not made any plans at all.
When this life is over, where will you be? What is your eternal destination?
Someone who hired a guide to take him through the jungle asked him "where the road was?" The guide replied: "I am the road!"
If we place our lives in Jesus Christ, He will be the way to heaven, as we obey His Word, and live according to His Will. In this life path, there is much deception given by our enemy Satan. But Jesus is the truth, and will always lead us in the right way. And finally, Jesus is the gift of eternal life, with the Heavenly Father.
You may think, that you can live the way you want to, and do the things that suit you, instead of doing the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. But if you were to die to this life today, than what? Where would you be?
Get on this "precious path" to Jesus today, and be ready to receive the most precious gift God has to give: Life everlasting! GP
Photo by hinnamsaisuy. Published on 19 November 2010
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