"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24)
I have never served in the military, but I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the men and women who have, and who are serving our Country today! Thank you for your sacrifice and service! We enjoy the freedoms, and opportunities this nation has to offer, because of your efforts to keep us safe and free.
Even though I was never in service of our Country, I have been in service for my Lord Jesus Christ. On my ordination certificate it says: "Minister Of Christ." I am proud to be a pastor, (even though like a soldier) there have been battles to fight. I am thankful to the Lord, for giving me the strength to not give up, but to keep serving to the best of my ability. It has been a privilege to work in this area of Christian service.
Our men and women in uniform are an inspiration to us, because they serve heartily, and give of themselves 100%. May we in the church take note of the discipline and determination.
We have a great work to do, especially in this day and time. Our reward is awaiting us, when the good fight of faith is done. Souls are needing to claim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We need to be there with the call of the Gospel, and the assistance needed to help them become apart of the Kingdom of God, now and forever!GP
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