"...And some pastors and teachers.." (Ephesians 4:22b) What does a pastor do? Of all those who are involved in spiritual leadership in the church, what is the role of a pastor? *"Pastor is from Latin, translating the original Greek word poimen. The familiar Anglo-Saxon word shepherd also translates this word. The root meaning of the word is one who tends, or feeds the flock. Pastor is one of several words used in the New Testament to designate the men that God has charged to oversee the local church. Other names for these men include elders, or presbyters, from the Greek presbuteros; and bishops, or overseers, from the Greek word episcopos. All three Greek words describe the same church leaders in the New Testament, with each of the three titles simply showing different aspects of their work.(*housetohouse.com)
In order for a pastor to tend, and feed his flock, he must be among them. It is not a work that can be done, just sitting in the office. The work of a pastor is one of concern for the spiritual needs of the church. He is on the team with the elders and deacons of the church. The pastor's work is one of teaching and encouragement. On a football team, he would be the quarterback. It's a big job today, with the various challenges that churches face. But one that is very rewarding, when you see the growth and progress of each person under your care, as well as the progress of the church as a whole. GP Photo ID 10527880 © Rmarmion | Dreamstime.com