Our hearts go out to the families of the victims of a shooting yesterday, at Umpqua Community College, in Roseburg, Oregon. At this writing the number of casulties was 13 dead, and 20 wounded. After an exchange of gunfire with police, the shooter was killed. It was said that the shooter had the people stand up and respond to his question of whether they were Christian or not.
If they responded "Yes" they were shot in the head. If they said "other" they were shot elsewhere in the body, usually the leg."The question comes to us as Christians: "How should we respond to this? Should we be fearful? Should we be angry? Should we raise our voice, with a spirit of revenge, and let the whole world know how we feel? One fatal shooting in this nation, was one too many; now we have had several. Yes, enough is enough! Even though there should be justice for such acts of violence and murder. What should our response be? "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to to those who hate you, and pray for those who who spitefully use you and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44) Many will ask: How can we do this? How can we treat those who are waiting to do us harm, with love and concern. How can we pray for them, when we should be in arms concerning them?
This is what Jesus taught, and this is what He did. As the nails were piercing His hands and feet, He asked the Heavenly Father to forgive them, who placed Him on the cross, because they did not know what they had done. (Luke 23:34)
As I have stated before; love is a powerful force. It has made a powerful difference in the lives of those who were once enemies of God. If it were not for the love of God, where would we be? Yes, love, instead of war and revenge is the answer.
Photo by Naypong. Published on 02 August 2013 Stock photo - Image ID: 100188469