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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hear Our Words O God

(Dr. Charles F. Stanley) "When you pray, are you confident that God is listening and will answer? Or do you, like many other believers, feel doubtful that your words are even heard?"(James Baker, Guest Writer Our Daily Bread - 10/19/2015)  "When our daughter was 15, she ran away. She was gone more than 3 weeks. Those were the longest 3 weeks of our lives.     We looked everywhere for her, and sought help from law enforcement and friends. During those desperate days, my wife and I learned the importance of waiting on God in prayer. We had come to the end of our strength and resources. We had to rely on God. It was Father's Day that we found her. We were in a restaurant parking lot, on our way to dinner, when the phone rang. A waitress at another restaurant had spotted her. Our daughter was only three blocks away. We soon had her home, and safe and sound." "Those who know your name trust in you, for you Lord have never forsaken those who seek you." (Psalm 9:10) We may not have things turn out the way that we would like.
But we have a faithful God who we can turn to, who has our best interest at heart. In prayer we need to trust, not only that He will hear us, but that He will provide for us, what He knows is best! GP
Photo by stock images. Published on 27 June 2012 Stock photo - Image ID: 10088740