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Monday, July 17, 2017

I Know My Sheep

"I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by my own." 
(John 10:14)

Identity theft claims 15 million victims in the United States each year. These losses total over $50 billion, with each victim averaging a loss of about $3,500. Identity theft is among the fastest growing crimes. Source: Identity Theft Info: Identity Theft.  

It should be a great comfort to know that our identity will never be lost with the Lord. As He said in our text, that He knows His sheep.
He created us, and then redeemed us, and now He ministers to us every moment of our lives.
He knows every detail of our physical makeup, our family, our past, present, and future, our present location, where we work, who our friends are. The Lord knows every detail of our lives. No matter where we go, we cannot escape His watchful eye (Psalm 121) The Lord is our keeper.

In knowing this, it is with caution that we live our lives, so we will be pleasing in His sight. And we live with comfort, knowing that as we go through the storms of life, the Lord is with us every step of the way. He knows the problems we are facing today, and will open doors, and place people in our path, who can help. I truly believe this.

But the last part of our text says;.."and am known by my own." 
Is Jesus known by us? Do we have an intimate personal relationship with Him? Do we know Him as well as He knows us? Probably not. But we can know Him as Savior, and Shepherd. We can know Him as the best friend we could ever have.

When we place our lives in Christ, He preserves our souls, for a place in Heaven with Him for eternity. What a precious blessing to be known, and to know the Lord Jesus Christ! GP

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