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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Choice, And A Test!

"Then the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said: "By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son,.." (Genesis 22:15-16) The difference between Isaac and Ishmael was that Isaac was Abraham's only son by his lawful wife Sarah, the only son of the promise. Ishmael was his son, by his concubine, but not by his wife. It is a difference between trying to accomplish things in our own way, and allowing God to fulfill His will for our lives, His Way. We can be critical of Abraham and Sarah, in what came about because of their stepping ahead of God. I have done it, and reaped the severe consequences of my actions. Have you done this too? But Abraham really pleased God when he took Isaac up on the mountain, and attempted to take his life as a sacrifice. This was a test of Abraham's faith, thinking that somehow God would restore His Son. (v.5) Abraham was willing to go all the way, to show God that he would be obedient 100%. It is a picture of how much we are to love God, and allow Him to work His will in our lives. It is also a picture of God, giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins, so we could have the freedom, and the hope for all eternity. Will we obey God 100% and accept His Son as our Savior today? Or will we choose to just live our lives the way we want to? The choice is ours. But choosing God's way, is the best way, every time. GP

Photo By http://biblesstudynpt.wordpress.com Thank you!