"Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord Is" (Ephesians 5:17)
My relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, should be the most important relationship of my life. To love Him, and be obedient to His will for my life, should be the main focus of my life. But I find that too often the focus on myself is more important. The decision to make Jesus Savior, and Lord of our lives, is the most important decision of our lives. It is not a decision that should be taken lightly, or done because of pressure from others, or to please others, or to make ourselves look good in the lime-light. No, the decision to have Jesus be Savior and Lord, must be a 100 % sincere decision, based on the Lord's will for us.
But even though I know this is important, I find myself being like a river that meanders, taking the path of least resistance, and eroding the outer banks of my path. The path of selfishness takes me away from what should be the main pursuit of my life, and that is keeping myself under the umbrella of the will of the Lord. And even though people do not see hidden events of disobedience, and self-centeredness, the Lord sees, and He is not pleased. The Lord Jesus must come first, and we need to be sincere and very serious about it. If the cross was 100% sincerity for us, How can we show any less? GP
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