Helping God's People In Their Christian Walk & Work - - Pastor Gary Patterson
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Do Our Children Know Jesus?
In Matthew 19:13-15 it is evident that Jesus loved children, and wanted to interact with them. That's something that a lot of parents need to really work on these days. As Mother's Day" is just around the corner, I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage us as parents, to really work on our interaction with our children. We know that with families today, it is a balancing act. Trying to work around a lot of things, in order to find good, solid, quality family time. And if our goal as Christian parents, is to have our children have a life in Jesus Christ, than we must take time to interact with them.
Let's look at what Jesus did in regard to the children that were brought to Him, and apply this to our quality family time.
"Let the little children come unto Me"
Jesus looked forward to this opportunity to express positive encouragement to these little people.
We encourage our children in many things: school work, sports, programs that develop ability, skill, accomplishment.
We spend a lot of money for our children to have the best education they can get, so they will be able to obtain a good job, a successful vocation.
But what about their spiritual lives? What about their spiritual future? Will they ever know the one who saved them from sin, and eternal destruction? Will they ever know the one who can help them with every aspect of their lives? They will if we as parents will take every opportunity, to communicate this to them.
2. THERE WAS AN EXAMPLE (Matthew 19:14b)
"and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Jesus wanted to show to the disciples,and to all that was watching, how important this time was. He was setting an example to the children of how important this time was.
Sometime in their lives down the road, when they would have children, they would remember how important this interaction was for them.
A storm wrecked a ship. The only survivor was a little boy who was swept by the waves onto a rock. There he sat all night long. In the morning he was seen and rescued. One of his rescuers asked him, "Didn't you tremble while you were on the rock during the night?" His answer: "I surely did tremble, but the rock did not!" I hope as parents that we would want Jesus (who is our rock and our salvation) to be a big part of our children's lives. How does that happen? It happens when we constantly share with them about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the difference He can make in their lives. (GP)