I have been slow in writing this month. I have been trying to get a hold of the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Our prayers go out to the families who are going through this horrible experience. While we are searching for answers, there is one answer that we really need to pursue with all of our heart.
We need to turn our hearts toward the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive the wisdom, and comfort that only He can give. The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 that we need to go to the Lord, and receive comfort for our hurting hearts and souls. And then we are to be a channel of that comfort to others. I know as I write this post, that those in Newtown, CT. are doing this. We need to do it all over this nation, and yes, all over the world. Isaiah 9:6 describes the Lord Jesus as being a "Wonderful Counselor" I can testify to that! He has not only comforted me with His Word, but also guided me through some very dark storms. What the Lord offers, is the best there is. It's time that we took Him seriously, instead of demanding that He stay out of our lives.
As Christians, let's be reminded, that as the old hymn declares; "We've A Story To Tell To The Nations." What Jesus can do through His Word, and through His people, is not only, bind up the wounds, but heal our broken hearts and lives. We can talk about gun control, and mental health issues. Those are good conversations. But most importantly, we need to talk about Jesus, to as many people as we can. The church was not commanded to just stay within the walls of our buildings.
We are commanded to "GO" and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20)
There are so many who are hurting because of sin, and the evil that is so prevalent today.
Wouldn't it be great to have an answer for them?
Praise God, We do! GP