How Salvation Works!
I used another sermon outline from Alan Carr on Sunday for the message entitled "How Salvation Works" Of all the questions ever asked, this one is the most important: What must I do to be saved?" The Jerusalem crowd after hearing Peter's dynamic sermon on Jesus Christ asked this question (Acts 2:37c) And the Philippian jailer also asked this question (Acts 16:30) If you ask this question today, these are the answers concerning how salvation works.
The First Step Is Conviction (Acts 2:37)
After they heard what Peter said about Jesus Christ, it says that they were "pricked in their heart" They came to realize who Jesus was, and what they had done in putting Him on the corss. Realizing that He had come, as God planned, to be the Savior of the world. I hope that you will realize (if you haven't) that you need a Savior as well.
The Second Step Is Conversion (Acts 2:37b-41a)
Peter tells the crowd what they must do to be saved: Two things are involved here: Repent or feel sorry for your sins, and the life you have lived apart from God, and then be baptized for the cleansing of sin, and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Third Step Is Continuation (Acts 2:41b-42)
It says that the early Christians (following their conversion) devoted themselves steadfastly to these things: The Apostles Doctrine (Bible Study) Fellowship (Being a strong support group) The breaking of bread (cf. Communion and partaking of the Lord's Supper) and Prayer (Communicating with God)
The process of being saved is not an easy process, because it involves, personal surrender, and personal faith.
Have you allowed Jesus to save you today?
It may be hard, but it is the most important decision you will ever make in your life. This decision involves your eternal security.
Please don't wait to do it, and let it be to late! GP
Alan Carr