Are you like the man who had to fill out a job application? One question said, "Do you have trouble making decisions" The man replied, "Well, yes and no." Sunday I preached a sermon entitled: "How To Make Right Decisions." We looked at Daniel, and focused on the fact that in order to make right decisions, you have to have the right heart. Daniel definately had the right heart. From Daniel 1:8, 9-16, 10:12, we find three characteristics of his heart.
First of all it was A PURPOSEFUL HEART (Daniel 1:8)
This decision to not eat the King's food, and eat vegetables and water, for a ten day period, was a decision that marked the way, he would live the rest of his life, in Babylonian culture. No matter what the cost, Daniel, and his three friends Shadrack, Meshach, and Abed-Nego would not defile themselves with the world, but commit themselves to honoring the Lord with their lives.
Secondly it was A PROVING HEART (Daniel 1:9-16)
Daniel and his friends put to test the Word of the Lord, and the ten day period of eating the right foods, proved to be productive. God's Word is workable, if only we will commit to putting it to work in our lives.
And then thirdly, it was A PRESERVING HEART. (Daniel 10:12)
The angel that came to Daniel with a revelation for the future was right about him. He did set his heart to understand, and he was a very humble man. Because Daniel preserved all that God had taught him, in his life, he became a great example of faith, and right living. How do you make right decisions? It begins by having a right heart! (GP)