"Everything is permissible for me"---but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"---but I will not be mastered by anything." (1 Corinthians 6:12)
As we enter 2012, we are again challenged to make changes in our lives. What changes will you make this year? In our text the Apostle Paul makes a statement that applies to all of us.
Everything (especially in America) is available to us to pursue, whether it is food, drink, or pleasure. But not everything is good for us. There are things that we cannot handle. Things that in time will destroy us. In this section of 1 Corinthians 6, Paul instructs concerning sexual immorality. He says to flee from it (v.18) Our bodies were not meant for sexual immorality, they were meant for the Lord." The many sexual transmitted diseases will destroy the body which is to be the temple of the Holy Spirit (v.19)
Paul says that, I could live my life indulging in sexual immorality, but I will not be mastered by anything. And the only way that he could make that statement is that he had already surrendered his life to the divine master: Jesus Christ. Everything he said and did was in accordance with the word of the Lord. And the Lord was helping him to overcome the challenges of temptation and trial.
Are you allowing the world to eat away at your joy, at your peace and happiness? Why not choose Jesus Christ to be the master of your life? Yes everything may be permissible, but the Lord will show us what things will truly bring us joy and happiness. In 2012, why not give Him a chance?