"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."(Acts 2:2)
God's power was displayed very dramatically, when the Holy Spirit came like the sound of a strong rushing wind. And when the Holy Spirit came over the apostles, flames of fiery tongues, hovered above their heads; and they were able to proclaim the Gospel in languages they had never learned. Even though this was a dramatic display of God's power, we don't need to see this dramatic display of power, when we share the Gospel. The power is there in our hearts, and minds, when we testify concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether it is a simple one on one interaction, or a simple group setting. All we need to do, is be faithful to share the message of the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest. The Gospel must be shared with strong love, desire, simplicity, and sincerity. I believe too often we become so dramatic in our program of evangelism, that we leave little room for the power of God to manefest itself. The apostles were men of simple lives, who allowed the Holy Spirit to use them, to turn the world upside down for Jesus. The Holy Spirit can do the same with us, if only we will humble ourselves, and commit to being that simple outlet of power, that people can plug into, and find Jesus, and be saved. (GP)