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Monday, February 19, 2024

Outside These Walls


Outside These Walls

"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers." (Acts 1:14)

I have thought about this question, as I have looked at the responsibility of the church in reaching the lost world for Jesus Christ; Are we as the church, part of the problem, or part of the solution?
We are part of the problem, if we just operate a Sunday routine worship activity within the walls of the church building. Nothing more than just staying comfortable within the inner walls, with no concern for the lost sinful state of those outside our sacred walls.

When we look at the attitude, and actions of the early church, Vance Pitman shares four characteristics of the early church, that reveals that they had a deep concern for lost souls outside their Christian community.

1. They Had A Faith That Produced Obedience (Acts 1:8) 
The apostles allowed the Holy Spirit to empower them, to be witnesses to the world, concerning Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will empower us to speak boldly on behalf of our Lord. Yes, the Holy Spirit will inspire us to trust, and obey, the Lord's calling to share how He has made a difference in our lives.

2. They Had A Passion That Produced Unity (Acts 1:14a) 
The apostles continued with one accord" Just like the apostles, we need to show the world, that we as members of the body of Christ, are all on the same page. How division has ruined our witness today!

3. They Had A Desperation That Produced Prayer (Acts 1:14b) 
The apostles, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers." continued their practice of prayer. Their prayers, without a doubt were for those who had not surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. This is such a desperate need today, as it was then.

4. They Had A Spirit That Produced Power (Acts:1:8) 
When they prayed, and connected with the Holy Spirit, it was like a spark that ignited an old army cannon.They became confident, bold, and excited to be the witnesses Jesus called them to be. The same can happen to us, if only we will connect together in prayer, and follow through with ministry of the Gospel to this lost world.

Let's not just get comfortable behind the church walls on Sunday, but let's go in the power of the Holy Spirit, to see what we can accomplish in the the lives of others, outside these walls! GP

Photo: Copied