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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What Is Important To You?

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." 
(Matthew 6:24) 

What are the priority things in your life?

If you could have people make a list of the things that they place as importance in their lives, you might be able to pick several from the list that are very important to you.  It is quite evident that the Lord is not a priority in people's lives today. He would be way down on a list, or not even on a list at all.

As a society that is selfish and sinful, that is not a surprising reality. God wants us to live righteous lives, as He is righteous and holy, but for many that is not a goal they choose to pursue. And that is why our nation, as well as our world, is sick, and in turmoil today. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot chase the world, and profess that you love the Lord, and are devoted to Him.
The hypocrisy becomes too evident.

Too many, money is the god of their world. But it does not provide the peace and satisfaction that the God of this universe can provide. So, yes, we have a choice to make. Do you really want to live with second best all of your life? (or) embrace the best that God has to offer, and really live? GP

Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 15 September 2014 Stock photo - Image ID: 100288086