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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Is It God's Plan?

Yesterday, Kim Davis, the Clerk from Kentucky who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, was released from jail. She was held in contempt, for refusing to do this. U.S District Judge David Bunning ordered Davis to be released from jail, five days following, because he was satisfied that the deputies under her post, would fulfill their obligations and issue marriage licenses to legally eligible couples. It makes me question where our nation is going?
I know as I write this article, that there will be many who will disagree with me. I am not writing this article with an attitude of disrespect, but of concern. From the Bible we find that God instituted the marriage relationship to be between a man and a woman. (Genesis 2:24) If two men, or two women were meant to be involved in this institution, how would the earth have been populated? How would a family of a father, and a mother, and children, have been established? How would you, or I, or anyone, have come to be? The marriage between a man and woman is the creator's plan. The most beautiful site you will ever see, is a Biblical family spending time together. It is right, it is pure, it is in the righteous will of God.
Do I hate those who advocate the homo-sexual life-style? No I don't. They are wrong, because homosexuality is sin (Romans 1:18-32) But I love them as God loves them, and hopes that they will repent, and turn to Him, and submit their lives to His will. GP ID 51034740 © Syda Productions | Dreamstime.com