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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Liberalism & Christian Liberty

"a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties." (Dictionary.com) This is a mouthful, but this is the dictionary's definition of liberalism. I catch the word "freedom" in this definition. Is liberalism a plea to be free to do whatever we want? To relinquish as many, or all restrictions upon our lives? As Christians, we have freedom, but that freedom is found within the boundaries of the Kingdom of God. Our freedom is found in our life in Christ. "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3:17) The freedom of a righteous life, a pure life, is a life that is not in bondage by the disappointment, despair, and destruction of sin. Can people be happy while living in sin? Does constant immorality make us happy? Maybe for awhile, until it begins it's destructive path, that not only affects us, but others, who have been affected by our sins. God's Word, His laws are to protect us, and to keep us, from being enslaved by sin, and it's destructive consequences. I say to liberalism: I am not my own. I belong to Jesus Christ, and the joy, peace, and satisfaction I find in Him, are products of the freedom, I find in Him, and Him alone! GP Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 17 September 2014 www.freedigitalphotos.com