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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Braving Bullying

"A bully is someone who uses “physical, emotional, or verbal intimidation to control others.” Here are some of the defining characteristics of a bully: Lacks empathy for others. Needs to control others. Gets angry quickly.Constantly reminds others of their weaknesses. Picks on those who don’t comply to his expectations. Makes others afraid through threats. Uses physical aggression to intimidate and control. Defies any who would share or correct his power. Do you know any bullies? (Sermonnotebook.org) I know with school starting all across this nation, our young people will be dealing with bullying. Not just face to face, but on the internet as well. Remember that David dealt with a bully in 1 Samuel 17. Goliath the Philistine giant was bullying the whole army of Israel. David saw that all of the members of Saul's army was intimidated, so he took it upon himself to take that giant down. How did David deal with this bully? Read these verses of Scripture: First With Courage (1 Samuel 17:37) Second With Conviction (1 Samuel 17:40) Third with Confidence (1 Samuel 17:41-47) By walking in the wisdom and power of the Lord, we will be able to stand up to any bully that comes our way. As Paul told Timothy. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) ID 6543158 © Isabel Poulin | Dreamstime.com