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Friday, August 7, 2015

How To Fix America

"If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land."       (2 Chronicles 7:14) I heard it mentioned several times during the GOP Presidential debate last night (8/6/2015) that this country (America) is broke and needs to be fixed, and I am the person to do that! No matter what the candidates plan to do, to fix America, there is no better answer to the problems that America has, than that which God told Solomon in our text.           It begins with humility. Instead of thinking we are gods, we need to turn to the true God, for direction and restoration for this nation. Indeed we need to pray to God together, and ask for His direction and help. He has the answers, so why don't we ask Him for them? And last, but not least, we need to repent of our wicked ways. Yes, murder, lying, sexual sins, stealing, involvement in immoral activities. It's high time we repent of these things, and desire to do things God's Way. And the promise is that God will fix America. "He will hear from heaven, and heal our land."  I would like to hear a candidate (for the presidency) advocate these three actions, in His plan to help fix America. Would it be accepted? I pray that it would! GP ID 2759535 © Charlie Hutton | Dreamstime.com