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Monday, August 10, 2015

The Answer For Us, And America

Someone placed a copy of a painting on Facebook (R) by Jon McNaughton entitled "Separation Between Church And State" These are his comments about his painting on Facebook (R)
 *"In my description of the painting it says when Christ speaks from the pulpit: "He reminds them of the covenant which was made with the Founders of our Nation that He would protect and bless us if we would remember Him; and then Jesus opens the Holy Bible to Psalms 33: 12, and reads the verse: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” *(jonmcnaughton Facebook  Page) The interpretation of "Separation of Church and State" is NOT what the Founders had in mind. Today's government is anti-God, anti-Christian, and the Founders would shudder at the atrocities performed today under the guise of secularism. Our country is on a fast track to imploding." (You can see his painting at jonmcnaughton.com) As Christians we must take seriously where our nation is at, and strive to impact America for Jesus Christ. In our various personal ministries, we can help people to see the importance of being the God-fearing people we are supposed to be. And in government, as well as in every area of influence, we can make an impact for Jesus Christ. God is counting on us to take a stand, and let our voice be heard among the people. There are more important things to talk about than the weather, and sports, there is Jesus Christ! He is the answer for us, and for America! GP Stock Images: Separation of church and state ID 16296864 © Mark Hayes | Dreamstime.com