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Friday, July 31, 2015

Total Surprise

"Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) You can talk about the various theological theories on the "second coming of Christ" but what it comes down to, is our preparation for when He does return. Will He find us prepared to meet Him when He returns? So while we sit around and talk about the "when" there are many, many, people who have not even considered the question of "how" they can be saved? and ready to meet Jesus when He returns. It is true that the book of Revelation is a view of future events. We may not understand all of the symbolism contained in the Apostle John's vision concerning future events. But one thing is clear: Jesus is returning, at time unknown. As the Apostle Paul says in our text, "like a thief in the night" Let's help people get to know Jesus now, so that when He does return, He will not be a "Total Surprise". GP Photo by imagerymajestic. Published on 08 July 2012

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.." (Psalm 139:14) *"According to statistics about 3,000 people died after two planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings on Sept. 11, 2001. The same day, nearly 3,200 babies were aborted." Now we hear of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. Yes, I am pro-life. I want to look at life as David did in our text. We are no accident, nor are to be treated as a hindrance to someone's life. We were created by God, "fearfully and wonderfully made." He created us with a purpose, and we are to live out that purpose, until the Lord calls us home with Him. *"YouTube user Jen Cardinal posted an incredible ultrasound video Thursday of her 14-week-old unborn baby "clapping along" as she and her physician sing "If You're Happy and You Know It," as her husband films." I feel that we as Christians have a responsibility to share God's truth concerning the value of life. As we are to do, with the other moral issues of our day, we are to "Speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15) No matter how unpopular it is to be against the grain on this issue, we are to stand up for "life", and encourage those who are at the threshold of ending a human life, to look at the God directed options. If Jesus promises to provide abundant life for everyone, what right do we have, to end it? GP Photo by phaendin. Published on 25 June 2015
www.freedigitalphotos.net *The Christian Post *Fox News Insider.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Possessions Of A Christian

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8) 
The Apostle Paul, shares with us in this verse, three wonderful Christian possessions. These three things makes the Christian life worthwhile. "For by grace"    If it were not for the grace of God, we would not have the hope that we have for eternity; and we would not have the help we need as we meet the challenges of this life. "You have been saved" What is the value of being saved, verses being lost, and headed for hell? There will be a great surprise for those who think that this life is all there is, and there is nothing beyond death. Salvation is a precious possession, because it means that we will not be eternally separated from God. "Through Faith" Peter tells us that our faith is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7) When our world comes crashing down around us, what is it, that we can hold on to for encouragement and hope? Our Faith! So what do we as Christians have that those in the world don't have? These three possessions. All the money, material wealth, power and position can not compare to what we find in the Lord Jesus Christ. This life is just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then we step into eternity. (James 4:14) I ask you, what will you have, that will help you to arrive safely? GP
 Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 02 March 2014 www.freedigitalphotos.com

Monday, July 27, 2015

Growing People In The Christian Faith

"We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves." (Romans 15:1) 
The Christians in Rome had a conflict over special diets and special days. There were some who thought that if you ate meat, it was a sin; so they ate vegetables. There were others who thought it was sinful to observe the special Jewish holy days. But instead of showing love and respect for each other, they began to criticize and judge one another.   It is true that in the body of Christ, there are different levels of maturity. And a spiritual leader must always remember that. There are times when we expect all the members to be on the same level of maturity, and think the same way. Parents know that with their children, this is not the case, and realize that each one of their children are on a different level of maturity and understanding. They work with their children, (where they are) to help them grow and mature into a strong adult. It is the same way in the church. Everyone is important, and everyone needs to develop maturity in their relationship with the Lord, and their faith in Him. Helping to grow people in the Christian faith, takes time, love, and patience. Let's always be patient, and never let them down! GP Photo by posterize. Published on 06 October 2011 www.freedigitalphotos.net

Friday, July 24, 2015

A Visiting Ministry

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and keep oneself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27) 
I have read that *"the word "religion" means "the outward practice, the service of a god." It is used only five times in the entire New Testament. (James 1:26-27, Acts 26:5, and Colossians 2:18, where it is translated "worshiping"). Religion is more than ceremonies, temples, or special days. Pure religion means practicing God's Word, and sharing it with others, through speech, service, and separating from the world."     It is getting out of our comfort zone, and visiting the ministry zones. These days, with all of the violent things going on, you don't know what to expect, when you knock on some one's door. It is a work of faith.     A visiting ministry is necessary, if we are to minster the Word of God to others. In the process of meeting the needs of those who James mentions (Widows & Orphans, and all others who have needs as well - Matthew 25:34-40) we will have the opportunity to share the message of the Gospel, and the truths of God's Word with others. This is the best gift we can give to people. Because in receiving this gift, it will bring to them, help and hope. The Lord is counting on us! GP ID 55502696 © Iakov Filimonov | Dreamstime.com * Be Mature (James) By Warren W. Wiersbe

Thursday, July 23, 2015

...and the peace of God..

"...and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7) With all the turmoil going on around us, added to the stress of our own problems, it's hard to have peace in our hearts. Worry and frustration take its toll day in, and day out. I like what the Apostle Paul says about the peace we can have. He says that this peace is "the peace of God". This peace is a gift from God, when we turn to Him with our problems and worries. It is not something that we can generate ourselves, because if we could, we would. It is a feeling of confidence that God will take care of us, and in His time He will help us to work through, the problems we're dealing with. After talking to the Lord on a regular basis, this feeling of peace will not only come, but will stay with us, and sustain our spirits. It will be like a watchman guarding our hearts, to make sure that no feelings of anxiety and frustration come to dominate and destroy our faith. Paul says that this feeling of peace, is beyond our understanding. It is not for us to understand, but to accept, and to enjoy. Thanks be to God, that He helps us in our times of need, and that He provides this wonderful peace, in the midst of our storms. (GP) Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 19 September 2014

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

When We Sin

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) 
Just because we are Christians, does not mean that we will not sin. Right after we take a step out of the baptistery, into this sinful world, Satan is right there to tempt us into sin. Becoming babes in Christ, we are not mature enough to know how to handle the enticements and deception of the enemy. The Apostle John wrote to Christians in his first letter. To his dear "little children." He advises them to confess their sins. Be honest about your life, and recognize that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Even as Christians, new and old, we sin, and fail to accomplish what God expects of us. So make your sin known to Him, and when you do, John says that the Lord (First) is faithful. He will keep His word, in regards to His grace and mercy. (Second) He is just. He will give you a hearing, and upon your sincerity in repentance, He will do two things: (First) "Forgive us of our sins" (Now) and "cleanse us of all of our unrighteousness" All our sinful thoughts and actions of a lifetime. How Loving and fair the Lord Jesus is. But the question is: How concerned are we about our sin, and what it can do to our lives, today, and forever? GP
 ID 28244547 © Paul Looyen | Dreamstime.com

Monday, July 20, 2015

Another Way

All through time, the devastating effects of killing other human beings has taken it's toll. Now another shooting and death has happened. How the families are grieving following the murder of four Marines at the Armed Forces Career Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Thursday, July 16. It goes on and on. What is accomplished by it? It reveals the depth of evil that exists, not only in our nation, but all over the world. Because evil exists in our world, Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 3:8 "A time to love, And a time to hate, A time of war, And a time of peace." In an imperfect world, where evil brings about death and destruction, it is necessary, when nothing else will stop it, to combat evil through war. And much killing takes place. But there is another way, to combat evil in this world, where the responsibility of it, lies with the church. We are commissioned to take the Gospel to the world (Matthew 28:19-20) By making disciples of Jesus Christ, we turn the hearts of people from evil to good. We bring people who have the desire of evil in their hearts to the one who can change their hearts, and have them operate out of love instead of hate. Jesus who is the Prince Of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) will bring peace, and unity. It is time that the Church got involved, and shared the one and only answer to the evil that is turning our world upside down. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand." (GP) Photo by maniaroom. Published on 10 January 2014 www.freedigitalphotos.net

Friday, July 17, 2015

Bearing With One Another In Love

Bearing With One Another In Love,            I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:1-3) 
Is it my imagination, or are people becoming very critical and insensitive these days? I was in the company of two men, who continually put each other down, in my presence. I pray that as Christians we will never act that way towards one another. According to the apostle Paul, Our calling as Christians involves a walk of lowliness, gentleness, and long suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring (putting forth the effort) to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit in the bond of peace." There isn't to be any room for selfishness, insensitivity, and severe criticism. We are to bear with one another in love. We all have faults. We are all like buildings under construction. None of us are finished products. But there are times, when we think we are more finished than others, and we take the liberty to let them know that. Criticism is not a bad thing; When it is bathed in love, it produces some profitable results. But when it is bathed in selfishness, it can do severe damage. Suicide has been the result of selfishness, as we have seen with bullying. The other day, I was walking in an antique store where the aisles were very narrow, and the items were close together, and I accidentally knocked something over. Someone made the comment of me being like "A bull in a china closet." I didn't really appreciate the comment, but it made me realize how our words can really weigh heavy on the hearts of people. Our words can be like "a bull in a china closet", breaking the hearts, and self-esteem of those around us. I don't believe that is apart of our calling as Christians. To be like Jesus, is to have a compassion for people, and a desire to minister to their needs. We have so many hurting people around us, and time needs to be spent to be instruments of the Lord for emotional healing and restoration. I like this saying, and I have used it a number of times in sermons that I have presented. "They won't care how much you know, until they know how much you care!" May God help us to always CARE! GP ID 39223896 © Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.com

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Teach The Children

"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:13-14) 
It cannot be emphasized enough the importance of teaching children the Word of God. If we want them to have a firm foundation to stand on in life, the Bible will provide it for them. It begins in the home, and is extended at Church. How Timothy was able to be a spiritual leader at such a young age, was due to his background of being taught the sacred writings of God's Word. His grandmother and mother was such a strong influence on him. I am sure they made sure he knew the Word of God. I say to parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, what you are doing in teaching children the Bible principles, is the most important endeavor there is. To have our young people wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, is the best possession they could have. It will get them through this life, and to a safe arrival to their heavenly home. There is no greater gift than this! GP
Photo by David Castillo Dominici. Published on 06 November 2012

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Truth And Nothing But The Truth

If you bite into a piece of bread, that has been around awhile, or take a swallow of milk, that has aged a little, you can tell right away, that something is wrong. That's what our response should be, when we hear something that doesn't line up with the Word of God. But of course you must read, and study, the Word of God, to know what pure truth is. We know what fresh bread tastes like, and we know what fresh milk tastes like, so in that split second, that we take a taste of both, we can tell if it is right, with the standard, or not. In Ephesians 4:15 the Apostle Paul makes this statement: "but speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ." In this section of Scripture, Paul is teaching the Christians at Ephesus, what is involved in a church maturing in Christ. We are to "come to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to be a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."(v.13) We are to come together in faith, to study, and to learn, of Jesus Christ, so that we can know Him fully, and grow up in Him fully. This is where leadership is so important. For one to speak the truth in love, one must know the truth. As the saying goes; "You cannot lead someone to a place, you have never been." Spiritual leaders have the awesome responsibility, to share the truth of the Word of God. We are to share it as it is, not as we would like it to be, to fit our needs. On the witness stand we are told "to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God." The Lord Jesus wants us to live, and share the truth, of His Word. To do otherwise, will always be, nothing but sinking sand. (GP) Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 09 October 2013 www.freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

When All Is Not Well

"Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a murmuring against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution." (Acts 6:1) You would think that a church that is growing by great numbers, wouldn't have any problems. But from our text, we see that the early church did have problems. This one that we know of, was the neglect of the widows of the Jewish people (*"called the Hellenistic Jews, who were born of Jewish parentage outside of Palestine, who spoke the Greek language, and used the Septuagint in their synagogues.") in the daily provision of food for widows, and probably orphans. The Apostles could not leave the work of preaching the Gospel, to take care of this need. So they summoned the Congregation (among them, those who were probably engaged in this complaint) and told them to select seven men, of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, and of wisdom, and put them in charge of this task. (6:3) This is a testimony of how things should be done in our Lord's church. I believe that for every need, there is a person or persons, that have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to meet those needs. This is the awesome task of the elder-ship of the church. To take care of God's people, by equipping God's people, to minister to the needs that exist, in the body of Christ. To build a functioning church, is the establishing of a free church. Free from the hindrances of spreading the Gospel. (GP) Photo by imagerymajestic. Published on 22 November 2012 www.freedigitalphotos.net
* New Testament History - Acts By Gareth L. Reese College Press, Joplin Missouri

Monday, July 13, 2015

Our Fate Is In God's Hands

"If that is the case, our God who we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O King." (Daniel 3:17) Because Shadrack, Meshack, and Abed-Nego would not bow down to the gold image, the fiery furnace would be their fate. But they knew, as we as Christians should know, that our fate in in the hands of God. We belong to God, we are to be His instruments in fulfilling His purposes in this world, whatever specifically that might be. And if that means to suffer and die in accomplishing that purpose, than so be it. But that is not what we want to hear. I thought that we as Christians in America were not exposed to this type of suffering and sacrifice, until nine people who were involved in a Bible study, were gunned down and killed in Charleston, South Carolina. When it comes close to home, it makes us think. And causes us to question: Would we be ready to die for the cause of the Gospel, if it came our way? Our answer should be the same as these three Hebrew heroes, who stood up for God, in this pagan culture. Knowing that no matter what, our God will deliver us, and if it is His will that we suffer death at the hands of others, HE WILL call us home to be with Him for eternity. Yes, our fate, is sincerely, and eternally in God's Hands. GP
Photo by iosphere. Published on 24 May 2014 Stock photo - Image ID: 100262448

Friday, July 10, 2015

Taking Sanctuary

"Lord, who may dwell in Your sanctuary? Who may live on your Holy Hill?" (Psalm 15:1) We have heard the term "Sanctuary" a lot in the news lately, in reference to the "sanctuary cities" that shelter illegal immigration. From a spiritual perspective, I think of "taking sanctuary" as finding a place of protection and peace. In our text David asks the Lord this question about "taking sanctuary" with Him. The question is: Who qualifies? Who is eligible? David answers, that it is those who are: blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth, and does not slander others. Who does his/her neighbor no wrong, and casts no slur on his fellowman. Who despises a vile man, and honors those who fear the Lord. Who keeps his oath, even when it hurts, and lends money without crushing his creditors with high interest rates. Who will not accept a bribe against the innocent. (verses 2-5) And the promise to those who do these things is that they "will never be shaken."(5 c) How our society would be different, if we would take sanctuary with God, instead of trying to find it in this world, with its worldliness, and immorality. To worship God, is to place Him as our first priority, and spend our lives obeying Him, and living for Him. In so doing, we will find our place, that is safe in His sanctuary forever. GP Lighthouse At Ridges Sanctuary 2ID: 78821 © Patricia Cale | Dreamstime Stock Photos. www.dreamstime.com

Thursday, July 9, 2015

What Does It Take To Be Happy?

Knofel Staton from his book "Check Your Character"brings to our attention a very good illustration, comparing a buoy floating in the water, to a Christian."A buoy is made of metal, and is very heavy, but it floats, for there is air inside." "Let the winds stir, and the waves surge, the buoy will still be floating. The storms may be so fierce, that you cannot even see the buoy, but it will never sink, because a buoy is made to float." As Christians, what do we have in us, that will keep us afloat, in the midst of the waves of trial, and disappointment? Solomon writes in Proverbs 16:20b...and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he." If we build our spiritual life, on the things of God, we will find joy, peace, and contentment. Some would say, well it's not easy living the Christian life. Not only is their grief caused by the problems of life itself, but standing up for the Lord, and for truth, brings added pain as well. How true. But the difference? There is someone living inside us, that no matter what happens, will make sure, we stay afloat. Even if we die to this life, the Lord made it possible for us to have victory for the next. That's something to really be happy about. It's the Lord Jesus Christ, who keeps us in the balance of the ups and downs of life. What does it take to be happy? A Relationship with Him, now and forever.Do you have one? GP
Photo by stockimages. Published on 16 September 2013 Stock photo - Image ID: 100201685

We Added Some New Resource Links!

Here are some new resource links you can check out. As I have said before, I don't agree with the doctrine of salvation, with some of the resource links I place on our Blog-Site. But they do offer some good Bible background, and organizational structure, for sermons, devotions, and Bible lessons.

They will always be on the right hand side of TCJ Blog-Site:

The Sermon Notebook www.sermonnotebook.org

Love Word Finding www.lwf.org

Manhattan Christian College www.mccks.edu

Jack Graham www.jackgraham.org

We hope these Christian resources will be an encouragement to you!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

We Can Do, What He Says We Can Do

"...for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said "For we are also His offspring." (Acts 17:28) The Apostle Paul while here in Athens quotes two Greek poets. *"In Him we live and move and have our being" is from the Cretan poet Epimenides (c.600 B.C.) in his "Cretica, and "we are also His offspring" from the Cilician poet Aratus (c.315-240) in his Phaenomena, as well as from Cleanthes (331-233) in his Hymn to Zeus. I believe that Paul quoted these poets to make a point concerning God, that the Athenians did not personally know, but presumed the existence of, in the forming of an altar "To An Unknown God"(Acts 17:23). Paul makes a point that we need to remember. God is Creator, Sustainer, Savior, Shepherd. Judge. All that we are, all that we have, and all that we look forward to, is found in our awesome God. Our God opens doors for us, to accomplish His purposes for our lives. We can do, what He says we can do. We are to live in the boundaries of His truth, and grace. When we act selfishly, and disobey His Word for our lives, we may think we are free, but in reality, we become enslaved to disappointment despair, and destruction. Is God "Unknown" to you? Do you have a relationship with Him, that will lead to freedom within His authority and care? You can! There is no better place to be! GP Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 30 June 2014 Stock photo - Image ID: 100271719
www.freedigitalphotos.net  * The NIV Study Bible - cf Acts 17:28

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How Do You Read God?

"To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him?" (Isaiah 40:18) I have heard it said of actors and actresses, that you can really read the pain, and suffering, the joy and excitement, in their performance. I have heard people ask this about other people: "How do you read that person?" "How do you know what is going on in their minds and in their hearts?" In our text, the prophet Isaiah asks a question concerning God. "To whom then will you liken God?" "To whom will you compare Him to?" We have His Word, that reveals to us the different aspects of His personality. We have creation that shows us the order and beauty of His handiwork. But yet, God is a mysterious divine person, who works in mysterious ways. There are times when we wonder what He is doing in our lives? How can we read God? I don't believe we will totally understand the personality, and workings of our awesome God. But this is where faith comes in. We are told that for those who love Him, and fulfill His calling on their lives, that all things will work together for good. (Romans 8:28) In other words, God has our best interest at heart, no matter if we understand Him or not. He understands us, and will always in His time, provide what is best for us. I read that loud and clear! GP
 Photo by Janaka Dharmasena. Published on 06 November 2012 Stock photo - Image ID: 100110273

Monday, July 6, 2015

Do You Want Confidence?

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."           (2 Timothy 1:7) 
When I read these words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, I think about how they really apply to me. I want to feel confident, in the things that I do for the Kingdom of God, but so much of the time I don't. Too often I question my ability and effectiveness, as a pastor, and a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. This verse of Scripture should help all of us, as we enter Christian service. These three gifts God gives us as servants of the Lord, are gifts of a strong foundation.. We can count on them, as we pursue the work God has called us to do. We have God's Power behind us. He is, as the song says: "The wind beneath our wings" Through prayer, and meditation on His Word, we can acquire confidence to witness, and minister His Word to the world. The greatest gift of the gifts faith & hope, is Love. When we love God constantly and sincerely, and love others the same, what a difference it will make in our relationships. Having a Sound Mind is an important gift, because we are allowing God to shape us, to make those tough decisions in our life. Instead of passion, we will operate on principle, and feel the strength and satisfaction of our position, in dealing with the matters at hand. If we want confidence, not only in serving the Lord, but in all aspects of our Christian walk, God can provide it. It's up to to us, to extend our hearts and receive it. GP Photo by stockimages. Published on 29 April 2013 Stock photo - Image ID: 100162774

Friday, July 3, 2015

Shepherd The Church Of God

"Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood."(Acts 20:28) This verse is part of the instruction the Apostle Paul gave to the elders of the church of Ephesus. I don't know if church members realize how difficult the work of an elder can be. To take heed to themselves is to make sure that they are walking constantly in the will of God. That takes time in the Word of God, and prayer. As it has been spoken: "You cannot lead someone to a place you have never been." To lead effectively, elders must allow the Holy Spirit to be in control of their lives. Not only are elders to take heed to themselves, but to the whole flock of God. This means that as a shepherd, you must be among your sheep, making sure that their spiritual needs are being met. Everyone in the body of Christ is important. Everyone wants to be cared about. The work involves more than just showing up on Sunday for worship, and reading Scripture, overseeing the Communion service, and the taking up of the offering. It is a work of service to the church of God, who Jesus shed His blood for. It is an awesome task, but one that is very purposeful, and rewarding. Let's keep our spiritual leaders in out prayers, especially now in a time, when the world is such a challenge. GP
 ID 34797990 © Olezzo | Dreamstime.com www.dreamstime.com

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Leading The Way

"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 
(1 Timothy 4:12) Timothy had the challenge of being a young leader to the church in Ephesus. To set the standard for the church in regards to their Christian maturity, the Apostle Paul wanted Timothy to look at his own Christian maturity. To be an effective leader, you have to deeply grow in Christ. That maturity will show itself in our speech, our conduct, our love, our faith, and our purity. I have heard this said: 'A church will not grow beyond it's leadership." How we want the church to be, depends on who we are in Christ. When fellow Christians are looking to their leaders for spiritual guidance in their lives, they had better be on top of things. Patience is so important for leaders in the Christian community. Spiritual growth and unity takes time. It is a spiritual building project that requires a constant example of the things Paul instructs Timothy in our text. For the church to have the mind of Christ, leadership must lead the way. GP Photo by jscreationzs. Published on 23 December 2012

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Light

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) 
As Christians, we talk a lot about what we are going to do in dealing with the immorality in our society. But the most important thing that we must do, is share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with those who are enslaved by sin. Only Jesus Christ can change a life, and have them restored, and placed on the right track to enjoy the rewards of righteousness. The Lord wants to use us to reflect that life-changing light, to those who are walking in darkness. We can talk about the severity of sin, and it's destructive affect. But until we "GO" and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:19a) sin is going to keep infecting, and destroying lost souls around us. It is important to express how we feel about immorality. But more important, to show a Christian lifestyle so strongly, that it will speak to the hearts of people, who are gripped by their sin. The picture of a lighthouse up on the shore, guiding its light upon the mighty, ripping, waves of the sea, is very inspiring. And more so, when we realize that each one of us as Christians, is spiritually like one of them. And if our light for Christ is not there, how will lost souls find restoration and hope? GP
 Photo by Serge Bertasius Photography. Published on 22 October 2012