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Friday, July 3, 2015

Shepherd The Church Of God

"Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood."(Acts 20:28) This verse is part of the instruction the Apostle Paul gave to the elders of the church of Ephesus. I don't know if church members realize how difficult the work of an elder can be. To take heed to themselves is to make sure that they are walking constantly in the will of God. That takes time in the Word of God, and prayer. As it has been spoken: "You cannot lead someone to a place you have never been." To lead effectively, elders must allow the Holy Spirit to be in control of their lives. Not only are elders to take heed to themselves, but to the whole flock of God. This means that as a shepherd, you must be among your sheep, making sure that their spiritual needs are being met. Everyone in the body of Christ is important. Everyone wants to be cared about. The work involves more than just showing up on Sunday for worship, and reading Scripture, overseeing the Communion service, and the taking up of the offering. It is a work of service to the church of God, who Jesus shed His blood for. It is an awesome task, but one that is very purposeful, and rewarding. Let's keep our spiritual leaders in out prayers, especially now in a time, when the world is such a challenge. GP
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