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Friday, July 10, 2015

Taking Sanctuary

"Lord, who may dwell in Your sanctuary? Who may live on your Holy Hill?" (Psalm 15:1) We have heard the term "Sanctuary" a lot in the news lately, in reference to the "sanctuary cities" that shelter illegal immigration. From a spiritual perspective, I think of "taking sanctuary" as finding a place of protection and peace. In our text David asks the Lord this question about "taking sanctuary" with Him. The question is: Who qualifies? Who is eligible? David answers, that it is those who are: blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth, and does not slander others. Who does his/her neighbor no wrong, and casts no slur on his fellowman. Who despises a vile man, and honors those who fear the Lord. Who keeps his oath, even when it hurts, and lends money without crushing his creditors with high interest rates. Who will not accept a bribe against the innocent. (verses 2-5) And the promise to those who do these things is that they "will never be shaken."(5 c) How our society would be different, if we would take sanctuary with God, instead of trying to find it in this world, with its worldliness, and immorality. To worship God, is to place Him as our first priority, and spend our lives obeying Him, and living for Him. In so doing, we will find our place, that is safe in His sanctuary forever. GP Lighthouse At Ridges Sanctuary 2ID: 78821 © Patricia Cale | Dreamstime Stock Photos. www.dreamstime.com