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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Wisdom For Worry

"Which of you by worrying, can add one cubit to his stature?" (Matthew 6:27) 

Have you worried about possible events, that if they took place, they would affect your life in a major negative way? If this certain thing happens, we don't know what we would do, because we don't have the resources to make it right.

The more we worry about the possibility of negative things happening, the more we become afraid, and discouraged. The fact is, that negative things will happen to us, and the question is, how will we respond to them? Yes negative happenings do not right themselves over-night, and it may take some time, to get things back on track again.

From the passage of Scripture where our text comes from (Matthew 6:25-34) Jesus is encouraging His disciples (and us) not to worry about how we are going to be taken care of. If God takes care of the flowers of the field, and the birds of the air, He will definitely take care of us.

I have stressed the word "process" in other writings, in regard to God's working in the lives of people. I believe here it applies as well. God in His time, and through people around us, will provide the necessary resources, to take care of our needs.

We can panic, and fret about what could happen. It would be much better to let life happen, and trust God, that in His time, and in His way, He will work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28) GP 

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