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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, December 11, 2017

God's Grace Place

"Through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God." (Romans 5:2) 

As Christian we stand in the most wonderful place a person could stand. We stand in the grace of God. The Apostle Paul shares here in Romans 5:1-11 some blessings that come from our standing in this precious place. But all through the Bible we find the abundant blessings of being in what I call "God's Grace Place." It is the most peaceful, the most secure, the most confident building place, there is.

As I have mentioned before, there are two things that save us us according to Ephesians 2:8
1) The Grace of God. If it were not for the unmerited favor of God, we would not have any hope of salvation. 2) Our Faith. To obtain this position in the grace of God, we must trust the Lord Jesus Christ for it. When we trust Jesus Christ to save us, and cleanse us from our sins, we are allowing Him to place us in this place for eternity. We get there by faith, and we stay there by faith.

It doesn't matter what happens to us here in this life; when we place ourselves "in Christ" we place ourselves in God's "Grace Place" forever. We place ourselves in the safest place there is, for all eternity.

Jesus is waiting. Will you let Him, place you there?

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