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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Spiritually Sick

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases" (Psalm 103:2-3) 

This last week I endured a week of sickness due to the pollen, ragweed, and whatever else is out there in the air. I am thankful for the the doctor's care, and for the medicine that helped me to get better.

It is one thing to be sick physically, but another to be spiritually sick. Is your soul sick today? Are you living your life in the devastatinging disappointment of the world? What the world promises, the world cannot deliver. The world only delivers dissatisfaction and disappointment, that leaves us sick and ruined.

I have seen people in the trap of the world, illustrated by a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. There is the fascination but there is also the entanglement.
No matter how disappointed we get, we head back to the world for more, hoping that this time, it will be different.

David reminds us in his Psalm, to not forget all the Lord's benefits. In Him we find forgiveness for our iniquities, and there is healing for our diseases.
The world affects us with all kinds of junk thrills and frills. Our heart takes a ride on an emotional roller-coaster, when we follow it's destructive path.

Instead of peace, there is frustration, anxiety, and despair. But the Lord wants to provide for us His blessings, so that we can live a complete, wholesome, peaceful, life.

Read Psalm 23, and see if you wouldn't like to have what the Good Shepherd has to offer you.
For a sin sick soul, help is there! GP

 Photo ID 33257222 © Alexander Raths | Dreamstime.com