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Monday, January 18, 2016

Let God Build The House

"For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God." 
(Hebrews 3:4)

 How foolish it would be to live in a house with four sides, but no roof. The roof is the main part of the shelter that is needed.
So this brings to mind the question:
How foolish is it, to live our lives without God?

As our text tells us, every house has a builder, but where does the builder get the materials to build a house? All things are created by God. All that we need comes from God. Too many today are self-sufficient. They feel that they don't need God, or anything He has to offer.

But is the trouble and trials of our society revealing to us, that we need God more than ever?
If God was placed as a top priority in our society, what would change? There would be love instead of hate. Humility instead of selfish pride. Peace instead of war. Unity instead of division.
If we were putting into practice the principles of God's Word, this is what the changes would be.

But we want to be the roof on the house of our lives. We want to be the creator, the builder, the maintainer of our lives. In our own wisdom, and strength is it possible? No, because we are limited, and it's time we realize it.

But with God's guidance and strength for our lives, we can be, and do, more than we ever imagined. Yes, let's build, but let's let God be the main architect! GP

 Photo by ddpavumba. Published on 26 November 2012 Stock photo - Image ID: 100120470