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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Be A Shepherd

John 21:15-19
I would have not wanted to be in Peter's shoes, when Jesus asked for a response to a question He asked him, three times. "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?" (vv. 15,16,17) It was in the backdrop of Peter's betrayal that Jesus asked him this question; and each time the question was asked, I'm sure, the stab of regret, became deeper each time. The first time, Jesus asked this question, it was to get at Peter's priorities in life. "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?" Was Jesus referring to the fish that they had caught, which was a large catch (153 fish) or, was Jesus referring to Peter's fellow disciples, and asking, "Do you love Me more than they do?" Whatever Peter's priorities were at this point, Jesus presents to him after each question, the purpose, and the priority, of his role in the Kingdom. In essence Jesus was saying: "Peter I want you to be a shepherd. I want you to "feed My sheep". As Christians we have this responsibility too. The Lord calls us to feed our fellow Christians, with the food of the Word of God. That is the purpose of THE CHRISTIAN JOURNEYMAN. Every week, I try to share teaching from God's Word, so we as Christians can grow, and mature in our faith, hope, and love. That we will be as God's people, a people who are "approved unto God" (2 Timothy 2:15) God is calling us to pour our life into the lives of others. To be a shepherd to them, and instill in them, this powerful spiritual food, from the Word of God. (GP)