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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Prayer: Medicine For A Hurting Heart!

I would have to say, that the hardest teaching that the Lord gave to us, is found in Matthew 5:44-45. "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you, that you may sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust." 

Whenever someone hurts us, the natural tendency is to get even. By the use of harsh words, or hurtful actions, we seek to get our revenge. All of this stems from a heart that is full of hurt. And what Jesus tells to do here, goes against the grain of what we would really like to do, and that is to cause some hurt ourselves.

Have you ever read this admonition by Jesus and thought; How can people do this? How can I do this? The truth of the matter is, sometime in our lives, we have been hurt by people, and we have hurt people. Much of the time it's people that we have been very close to; both family and friends.

Jesus knew, that for the healing process to begin, the best medicine for the heart, is prayer. In the process of fulfilling the Lord's command to love our enemies, and to do good to those who hate us, prayer is the best thing that we can do. Even though it may take some time for the spiritual poison to leave our broken hearts, constant prayer is the best way to relieve the bitterness that keeps the heart sour, and in turmoil.

Prayer will take our broken heart to the person who knows how to mend it, and to help us to have a right perspective on our situation.
That person is Jesus. Have you been hurt today? Then take Jesus' advice, start praying. It will make a huge difference. Try it and see! GP

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