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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Heart Soil

Where I live, the farmers are having to wait to get the crops planted. Because of the wetness, it is causing a delay in planting. It is true that the soil must be ready to receive the seed, or there will not be good results.

It is the same way with our hearts (which is the soil for spiritual life) If our hearts are not receptive to the Word of God, there is no way there will be spiritual growth and progress.

In Mathew 13, Jesus shares a parable about a farmer who planted seed, in three types of soil. Shallow soil, stony soil, and good and productive soil. Three types of the soil that illustrate three different responses to God's Word.

Many will ask: Why is this so important, that we hear, and study God's Word? God's Word is our guidebook for life. God has not abandoned us without any word to live by. If we want to have the right insight to live by. If we want to have the best advice in making right decisions, than we need to be in God's Word.

The shallow soil of unconcern, and indifference will cause the seed of God's Word to be snatched up by the enemy. The stony ground of the cares and preoccupation of the world, will choke out the seed of God's Word. But the good soil, the soil that represents the open heart, will produce a great amount of spiritual maturity.

How is the soil of your heart today? I hope that you will open your heart to God's Word today, and truly be blessed! GP

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