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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Plight Of Apathy

"Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord." (Romans 12:11)

 Without a doubt the Christian life, is a life of discipline. It is going against the grain, of the attitudes, and actions of the world.

It is easy to become apathetic to the spiritual activities of the Christian life. To be involved in personal Bible study, as well as group Bible study, prayer, worship, witnessing, encouragement, and fellowship with other Christians, takes discipline.

It 's easy for us to say, we will get to those things, when we have time, and say yes to the television set, or to a fun event with family and friends. Yes in our Christian walk, we can become sloppy, and we can become lazy, and down right apathetic, concerning the things of God.

One of the things I have been concerned about, is our focus on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) When it comes to being unconcerned about the purpose we have as Christians, we have sunk to a serious low, in our service for the Lord. Churches have closed, because the focus became inward, instead of outward.

What does it take to reach the unsaved. To reach out to those who are hurting, and let them know what Jesus Christ can do for their lives. Many petty things can cloud our thinking, and cause us to not care about the most important work of the Church.

So many people want challenges, to keep their life from being boring, and dissatisfying. I can't think of a greater challenge, than being witnesses for Christ. Not only is it challenging, but it is exciting, and yes, very fulfilling.

As Christians, let's never display an attitude that says: "I don't care!"  GP

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