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Friday, July 8, 2016

A Promise For Peace

"Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise." (Isaiah 60:18) 

Our prayers go out to the families of the policemen who lost their lives in this senseless shooting in Dallas last night. (7/7/2016)

I am not going to spend time talking about the police shootings in other parts of the country, but I do want to address the problem of violence in our land.

The verse of our text is taken from a passage of Scripture that prophesies of a future time when God will set up a kingdom on earth, and it's capital will be Jerusalem. Because of the captivities the nation of Israel went through, there would be much despair. But the people are told in Isaiah 60:4 to "Lift up their eyes, and look around them." and see that the former things, such as violence in the land will be gone." (v.18)

This should be our prayer, and our priority pursuit, that we strive to treat one another with love and respect. Why are we treating one another with such anger, and violence? Is this the will of God for us in this nation? If we truly submit our lives to the Word and Will of God, this violence, and senseless loss of life, will not dominate our society.

It is a choice we must make, and one that we must determine to keep with all of our hearts! GP

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