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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Lesson Aim

How important is the lesson aim to a class lesson? The lesson aim is the objective, or goal of what you (as a teacher) want your class to accomplish or achieve.

For Bible school lessons, we try to focus on the main message of what the passage of Scripture, or Bible story is telling us.
To ask the question such as: What does the story of David and Goliath, tell us? What is the main application in that story?

I would like to apply this to our everyday life. As Christians, everyday we should pursue a lesson aim. As I read my Bible today, and target a certain passage of Scripture, or Scripture verse, what is the lesson I should take away from it today? Or if we are dealing with a specific problem, and we look up a Scripture that we think will have some application to help us, with this problem; Is there a truth from that passage of Scripture, that really gives us specific insight for our problem?

Searching for a lesson aim for a Bible school lesson, is the best way for you the teacher, and your class to unite, in pursuing a central message, and application. For everyday life, a lesson aim will help us harness those truths, that will help us in dealing with the problems, in our Christian walk. As our God is not a God of chaos, but a God of order and purpose, It pleases Him, when we search for those lesson aims, that help to direct us, in His wisdom, and His way.

So what can we learn today? GP

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