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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Holding On To Our Humility

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." 
(James 4:10) 

Is humility just something we say, or something we do? I would say that it is both. Both our words and actions should display this wonderful attribute, that Jesus shown, in all of His life and ministry.

Since the devil is king of pride, arrogance, and selfishness, it isn't any wonder that these ugly worldly attitudes show themselves in our society, and even in the church.

I like what James writes in his letter. He says that as we live, we are in the Lord's sight. He is constantly looking at us, and seeing how we act, and what our attitudes are. So since we are in view of the Lord's constant evaluation, let's make sure that we humble ourselves.

Let's not think more highly of ourselves that we ought to. Let's not make other people feel small compared to us. Let's not demand that we get our way all the time. Let's not be selfish, manipulative, and deceitful. But lets humble ourselves, and receive the blessing of the Lord lifting us up.

If we humble ourselves concerning ourselves, He will bring us to new heights of victory and peace. To be at peace with God, with others, and ourselves is a feeling of freedom.

A feeling that will cause us to soar like an eagle, rising above the pride and selfishness, that can totally bring us down to destruction. GP

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