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Monday, April 13, 2015

Dealing With Disagreements

"Then the contention became so sharp that they departed from one another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus." (Acts 15:39) The argument between Paul and Barnabas was over taking John Mark with them on the second missionary journey. Paul had a problem with it, because John Mark had left them midway, and headed home. Barnabas, who was John Mark's uncle, and a man of encouragement, was willing to give John Mark another chance. Paul and Barnabas couldn't agree, which led them to separate, and pursue the work in two different teams. There are times when Christians don't agree, and it is better to separate, than to go on in constant conflict, and disunity. But even if we disagree, we must remember that our Lord Jesus Christ, want us to love each other, and minister to one another, when the opportunities come. I don't know of a family where there are not disagreements. And the church is the family of God. We know that in the different faith groups, there are different beliefs and practices. And there is a separation. But even so, there needs to be a love and respect shown, because that is what The Lord would have us to do. It was later that Paul changed his mind about John Mark, and told Timothy to bring him with him, when he came to him, because "he is useful to me for ministry." (2 Timothy 4:11) People can change, can mature, and we need to always give them that chance. Disagreements will come, but may they never lead us down a path of being resentful and unforgiving. For that is a path that is not pleasing to the Lord! GP Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 09 October 2013