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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Breakfast With Jesus

"Jesus said to them, "Come and eat breakfast," Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, "Who are you?" --knowing that it was the Lord." (John 21:12) How do you wrap your brain around a miracle such as this? To see our risen Lord on the shore, and to have Him invite you to have breakfast with Him. To the disciples, who had witnessed Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, words could not express how amazing His resurrection was. It would have been great to be there, and to witness this event ourselves. But today, we can see evidence of the presence and work of our risen Lord. Jesus is working in our lives today. And the more we strive to have a strong relationship with Him, the more we will see the reality of His presence in our lives. As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ this Sunday, may we always be mindful, that no matter what comes our way as far as trouble and trials, we have our risen Lord by our side. When you begin your day, have breakfast with Jesus, just like the disciples did. Before you eat the physical food, take time to read some verses from the Gospels, and then take time to pray, and give thanks for the hope that Jesus brought to you through His death, burial, and resurrection. Make each morning a wonderful spiritual experience. It is amazing what Jesus did through the power of God in conquering death. But more amazing is that He did it out of love for you and me.GP Photo by hyena reality. Published on 01 May 2013