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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

What We Do For Christ!

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8) During a Bible Study, I was looking at a pen I had picked up to take notes with, and noticed these words that were inscribed: "What you do for Christ, only that will last!" As Christians do we realize the influence we will make in all the things we do for Christ?
We can speak volumes about Jesus, in our conversation, our conduct, our treatement of others, our ministry to others, the way we react to trials. The disciples were called to be witnesses for Christ, not only in their place of residence, but to the ends of the earth. Today Christians are all over the world. And we have heard recently of Christians in Lybia, who have been martyred by the extremist Muslum terrorist group ISIS. I read that not one of the 21 who were killed, recanted their belief in Jesus Christ. What does that say to the world? Is Jesus worth dying for? He died for us! He gave His life, so we could have life, abundant and eternal. We may not be called to physically die for Jesus. But we are called to be a living sacrifice for Him. (Romans 12:1) And by our sacrificial life and service for the Lord, we testify to why He means so much to us. We testify to what He did, and what He can do for us, and the world. GP Photo by Naypong. Published on 05 November 2014