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Friday, July 25, 2014

What's In Your Mind?

"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praise worthy - meditate on these things." (Philippians 4:8) If the world is to see the difference between what is "Christian" and what is "of the world", shouldn't they see it in the actions of a Christian? Does what we read, what we watch on TV, the movies we go to see, the music we listen to, make a statement about what we value in life? In my life, I have tried to walk on both sides of the fence (sort of speak) in regards to the material I have viewed and listened to; and it has made me realize how damaging it can be; not only for my heart, but also for my witness. It's like eating the wrong kind of food, and then asking ourselves why we feel so sick and run down. Eating a steady diet of junk food, over time, will cause us to feel like junk. It's the same way with the material we read, view, or listen to. If it has chunks of immorality, violence, and negativity, it's sure to affect us. If we say it won't, we are only fooling ourselves. In time it will develop certain worldly attitudes, and yes addictions. Satan is subtle. First it's a crumb, and than in time, it is full course meals of worldly material, causing us to become what we mentally consume. We need to heed the words here of the Apostle Paul in this verse (Phil.4:8) Focusing on material that fall into these categories, is for our protection. It is the principle of sowing and reaping. What we sow in what we read, watch, and listen to, will produce a harvest of destruction in time. I know, because I have done it. GP
Picture By Gary Patterson TCJ 2014 All Rights Reserved.