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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Taking Up Our Cross!

"And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me." (Matthew 10:38) 

In the time that Jesus spoke these words, his hearers knew full well what a cross was. *"When the Roman General, Varus, had broken the revolt of Judas of Galilee, he crucified two thousand Jews, and placed their crosses by the wayside, along the roads to Galilee.
In the Ancient days the criminal did actually carry the cross-beam of his cross to the place of crucifixion, and the men to whom Jesus spoke had seen people staggering under the weight of their crosses, and dying in agony upon them."

The cross meant extreme suffering and death for those who were victims of war, or criminals who were punished for their crimes.
As Christians today, we cannot fathom what severe humility, and agony this experience held. But we take from Jesus words here, that to be His followers, we must be willing to go through whatever suffering comes our way, for His sake, or we are not worthy of Him.

I have asked myself this question many times: "Am I willing to suffer, and die for Jesus, if called upon? How far will my love go for Him?
It is a very serious and solemn question. To be a martyr for Jesus. Could I do it? It means more than crucifying the old lifestyle, or putting to death the old sinful person. Taking up our cross, means being willing to lay down our life for Him, if need be. Do we love Jesus that much?

"Peter said to Him, "Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You! and said all the disciples." (Matthew 26:35) and yet Peter denied Him three times.

To come to the cross for salvation, is essential, and to take it up, as we journey through this life, is required as well. There is no getting around it. But in loving Jesus totally, why would we not want to? GP

 * William Barclay.

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