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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Be Committed To Your Choice!

"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, "he told Israel." "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) As Christians, have we ever asked ourselves, why we chose to become Christians? Was it something that our family expected us to do? Was it something that looked exciting, or challenging? Was it something that we did, and when we realized how much it involved, we were sorry that we did it? There are various reasons why people choose to become Christians. Joshua presented Israel with a challenging question. In essence, he presented Israel with a choice. Are you going to worship the gods which your fathers served (from Egypt) or the gods of their neighbors (the Amorites)? Or are you going to do as me and my family, and "Serve the Lord."(v.15) When it comes down to what is involved in the Christian life, it is faithful service, to the one, who came to serve us. The one who gave His life, so that we could have life, now and forever. The sin debt that we owed, had to be paid, and Jesus paid it with His blood. We owe Jesus everything. Because He provided us with everything that is necessary, in order for us to enjoy all the blessings that God has to offer. The right answer is that we choose to be a Christian, because we choose to allow Jesus to be Savior and Shepherd of our lives. And we choose to live and serve the Lord with all of our heart, because we want to be used by Him to further His kingdom. If that is the reason you became a Christian, I ask you today; will you be committed to that choice? (GP)